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19 February 2016

What is Trade Mark ?

What is Trademark?
A trademark is any word (PEPSI), name (TATA), symbol or device (Microsoft), slogan (Yeh Pyaas Hai Badi & Thanda Matlab Coca Cola), package design (Coca-Cola bottle) or combination of these that serves to identify and distinguishes a specific product from others in the market place or in trade. Even a sound (Britannia chimes) color combination, smell or hologram can be a trademark under some circumstances. The term trademark is often used interchangeably to identify a trademark or service mark.
Benefit of Trademark Registration
  • Constructive notice of ownership of the Trademark
  • ™ and ® is Prestige of your Brand and your Company
  • Its ownership and get exclusive rights over your trademark.
  • You can sale your Trademark ™ and ® and/or give license to other company to use your  Trademark and get Royalty for the same.
  • The exclusive right to use the registered mark in commerce in connection with the goods or services specified in the registration
  • Establish the Goodwill and incontestability of rights in the registered mark
  • No one can make a copy of your trademark; if some one copy then you can take legal action against them and ask for damages.
  • Sue for counterfeiting of the registered mark and to obtain both civil and criminal penalties against counterfeiters
  • Similar advantages can be obtained from registering a trademark in most other countries of the world. In some countries, a registration is a requirement for any enforcement activities. Since  the advantages necessarily vary from country to country.